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Image by Árpád Czapp

What is the 340B Drug Discount Program?

The 340B Drug Discount Program is a US federal government program that allows covered entities like High Country Community Health, to care for the underserved population, in the communities we serve.  Discounts on prescription medications are offered to those who cannot afford their medications and whose income level is within the qualifying range. 

Who is eligible for the 340B Drug Discount Program?

Both insured and uninsured patients of High Country Community Health are eligible to participate. Prescriptions must be written by an HCCH provider.

Participating Pharmacies at HCCH

 - Walmart 

 - CVS

 - Walgreens

 - Boone Drug

 - Roan Mountain

 - Blue Sky Specialty Pharmacy

How Does The Process Work?

- A patient receives a prescription from one of our providers and it is filled at one of the contracted Pharmacies listed above. - Uninsured patient pays the discounted cost of the drug plus a dispensing fee (assessed by the pharmacy). - Insured patients pay the co-pay associated with their insurance plan, as they would at any other pharmacy. However, when purchasing through 340B, their purchase tremendously helps support our community health center. (see next bullet for details) - High Country Community Health receives the difference between the cost of the drug at 340B prices and the reimbursement from the Insurance companies, which can be substantial. - Lastly, by law and statute, health centers are required to invest every penny of 340B savings into activities that expand access for their patients.

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